
The Everest Within

Clarity Publishing

This book was conceived and created by Jenny Phillips in response to a self-development course leadership challenge. After witnessing a friend and a client who had suffered brain injuries, she wanted to contribute by creating a space for people with brain injuries to tell their own stories – what happened to them, what helped, advice to others with brain injury, and advice on how others can be supportive. People with brain injuries were given the opportunity to contribute and other individuals from the Clarity team, from our favourite design team Aviso design, and from the Brain Injury Association team, contributed design, proof reading and typing support and generously donated gave their time for free. The challenge involved finding 30 people to contribute their stories – exactly 30 stories were received!  Jenny’s business Clarity published the book and proceeds were donated  to the Brain Injury Association of New Zealand.

(Jenny’s brain injury occurred at a later date and was unrelated to this project).

Jenny’s books are still available from many libraries, appear on second hand on sites such as Amazon.com and are regular sellers on auction sites such as Trademe. co.nz.

Jenny Phillips Books


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