
Feedback from readers letters after publication of Jenny’s books about motherhood

‘I am finding your book most interesting. I wish I had read something like it years ago.’

‘Saw you on TV. You have really captured the imagination of so many.’

‘I dearly wish someone had been inspired to write such a book when I was ‘not coping,’ all those years ago.’

‘Your book is something that is really needed.’

‘I am currently reading your book and am finding it a great source of comfort and inspiration.’ (Mother of a young baby).

‘Top marks for a very good and much-needed study of a very neglected and hush hush part of women’s lives.’ (Over 60).

‘Just talking to you on the phone was a great help – someone who understands my feelings.’

‘I want you to know how great it was to be able to unload things on to you the other day.’

‘Everyone around this way is most impressed with your book.’

‘All the young mums in Gisborne seem to be reading it.’

‘It’s the book I wish I had then too. As I read, I found it hard to stay with the text at times – my mind kept getting back to my own experiences during that time – the isolation, the chronic fatigue, the mess, the overwhelming sense of responsibility for my babies – and my superb ability to put a Brave Face on Things.’

‘The programme got a very positive reaction out here at the ivory tower and from a number of callers.’ (Producer of documentary on the book).

‘I relate to some part of nearly every chapter – and at my advanced age!’

‘Anyone who can write the line ‘nappies on a clothesline are an internationally recognised distress signal’ deserves to be read as widely as possible’ (Author Fiona Kidman).

‘How I wish you had been around when I had my three.’

‘I just had to write and congratulate you on your book ‘Mothers Matter Too.’ In a word it’s marvellous, and long overdue. I really wish it had been around 1966 when my first child was born.’

‘Thank you for writing that book. I have read it and reread it and I wish it had been written at least five years ago to catch me the first time round.’

‘Thank you very much for your book Mothers Matter Too. I picked it up casually the minutes of browsing I had an eerie sensation of reading my own story, written by someone whom I had never met and who understood me better than I did.’

‘I could see myself in the picture you during the depressed woman in suburbia. The chapter about roles and stereotypes made me stop and consider things.’

‘Mothers Matter Too! Wonderful  book - and so important. I wish I had known about it back when I was practicing paediatrics - I would've handed out copies!!’ (reader 2017)


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