Mothers Matter Too
August 28, 2020
(Reed NZ 1983 )
(Nelson Australia 1985)
‘When in 1983 Jenny Phillips’s ‘Mothers Matter Too’ had appeared in bookshops, mothers at home responded instantly to its message, hoping for recognition of their neglected status and needs.’ Changing Times: NZ since 19...
The Mother Manual
August 27, 2020
(Reed Methuen) 1986
‘Thank you for giving me a lifeline to sanity.’ Letter from reader.
‘This book is rare in that it takes mothers and their experiences seriously ..forget the presents for house and baby and give an expectant mother or new mother or any mother, this b...
The Mother Experience
August 26, 2020
New Zealand Women Talk about Motherhood
(Penguin 1988)
With this book Jenny Phillips threw open the doors to mothers, to write about their own experiences. The idea came after attending a workshop where women were asked to produce statements on what it was like to be in thei...
‘I am finding your book most interesting. I wish I had read something like it years ago.’
‘Saw you on TV. You have really captured the imagination of so many.’
‘I dearly wish someone had been inspired to write such a book when I was ‘not coping,’ all those year...