Author & Entrepreneur

If you want to know 'Who is Jenny Phillips?' or 'Whatever happened to Jenny Phillips who produced a book every couple of years?' you'll find the answers here...

I’ve always been a kind of interpreter - writing easy-to-understand books on motherhood, changing times, and even a business manual, that had the backing of research but the experience and real life flavour readers could identify with.

"My purpose as a writer has been to provide clarity and inspiration, make life easier for my readers and support their dreams."

Books written by Jenny Phillips

Mothers Matter Too

(Reed NZ 1983 ) (Nelson Australia 1985) ‘When in 1983 Jenny Phillips’s ‘Mothers Matter Too’ had appeared in bookshops, mothers at home responded instantly to its message, hoping for recogniRead more

The Mother Manual

(Reed Methuen) 1986 ‘Thank you for giving me a lifeline to sanity.’ Letter from reader. ‘This book is rare in that it takes mothers and their experiences seriously ..forget the presents for hRead more

The Mother Experience

New Zealand Women Talk about Motherhood (Penguin 1988) With this book Jenny Phillips threw open the doors to mothers, to write about their own experiences. The idea came after attending a workshopRead more

When Women Mean Business

Penguin Books (MZ) Ltd, 1990 At the time this book was written, more women were entering the world of business than ever before. In fact the majority of new business owners were women.  By thisRead more

Business Energy

Random House New Zealand 1996 ‘The business marketplace is changing dramatically. Customers are less predictable. There’s more competition. The old strategies for making a profit don’t alwaysRead more

Finding the time

A pocket sized 90 page book on time management. Part of the Nahaani Business ‘Business in a Minute’ series 1998 with other small books written by other well known New Zealanders This seriesRead more

Doug Myers

What I’ve Learned in Business As told to Jenny Phillips Nahanni business books 1999 This book, which topped management book best seller lists at the time of publication, was written as the firsRead more

New Millennium

7 personal strategies for success Tandem Press (1999) ‘All the signs were there – that the last two decades would bring tumultuous change to every aspect of our lives. But think back – didRead more

The Everest Within

Clarity Publishing This book was conceived and created by Jenny Phillips in response to a self-development course leadership challenge. After witnessing a friend and a client who had suffered brainRead more

In the family

My two children, Doug (writing as Doug Riker) and Shona Riddell, have now also written books.

Shona Riddell

Guiding Lights

Shona Riddell

Doug Riker

Prisoners In The Past

Doug Riker


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