Writing Tips

Non-fiction authors – tips for success


"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” Coco Chanel.


Write the book you wish you had had the opportunity to read.


Write about the facts, but also your own experiences and feelings about it.


Be honest, including with yourself.


Picture someone you are writing it for.


Write with your writer’s hat on not your editor’s hat. That’s for later.


At the beginning of every chapter write the most important thing, or the thing that will grab attention. No point in saving it for later, the reader will have picked up another book!


Honour all your sources.


Right from the start do a kind of extended contents list where you note down every anecdote or example you have used along the way, so you don’t find yourself in chapter 12 having to go through the whole manuscript again, to see if you have used it before.


There is always a lot to do that isn’t writing, when you’re writing non-fiction. Try putting a large picture of a barometer on the wall, rather like the kind fundraisers use to show how much money has been raised. The ‘bulb’ at the bottom is all those things you do before you have even completed chapter one. It helps the morale!


Show drafts and tentative titles to volunteer ‘readers’ and ask for specific feedback, asking them to be very honest and not protect your feelings. Better them than the critics! Focus on the content of what they say and learn from it.


Avoid post-book slump – have a project planned that you are looking forward to getting your teeth into.


When you’ve finished your first draft give yourself a big pat on the back. You deserve it. Most people never even get that far.


‘All writing is re-writing’ Ernest Hemingway.


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